2011-11-27 · The discovery that potassium-doped iron selenide undergoes phase separation into a defect-free superconducting phase and an iron-vacancy-ordered insulating phase resolves many questions about the ...
Read More2013-8-27 · Phase separation and magnetic order in K-doped iron selenide superconductor Wei Li1, Hao Ding1, Peng Deng1, Kai Chang1, Canli Song1, Ke He2, Lili Wang2, Xucun Ma2, Jiang-Ping Hu3, Xi Chen1*and Qi-Kun Xue1* The newly discovered alkali-doped iron selenide superconductors1,2 not only reach a superconducting transi-
Read MoreDOI: 10.1038/nphys2155 Corpus ID: 26752119. Phase separation and magnetic order in K-doped iron selenide superconductor @article{Li2012PhaseSA, title={Phase separation and magnetic order in K-doped iron selenide superconductor}, author={W. Li and Hao Ding and P. Deng and Kai-Di Chang and Canli Song and K.
Read More2011-7-30 · Alkali-doped iron selenide is the latest member of high Tc superconductor family, and its peculiar characters have immediately attracted extensive attention. We prepared high-quality potassium-doped iron selenide (KxFe2-ySe2) thin films by molecular beam epitaxy and unambiguously demonstrated the existence of phase separation, which is currently under
Read MoreAbstract. The newly discovered alkali-doped iron selenide superconductors1,2 not only reach a superconducting transition temperature as high as 32 K, but also exhibit several unique characters that are noticeably absent in other iron-based superconductors, such as antiferromagnetically ordered insulating phases3,4, extremely high Neel transition
Read MorePhase Separation and Magnetic Order in K-doped Iron Selenide Superconductor. July 2011; ... thin films by molecular beam epitaxy and unambiguously demonstrated the existence of
Read More2012-2-1 · Phase separation and magnetic order in K-doped iron selenide superconductor. The newly discovered alkali-doped iron selenide superconductors not only reach a superconducting transition temperature as high as 32K, but also exhibit unique characteristics that are absent from other iron-based superconductors, such as antiferromagnetically ordered ...
Read More2012-2-1 · Phase separation and magnetic order in K-doped iron selenide superconductor. The newly discovered alkali-doped iron selenide superconductors exhibit unique characters that are absent in other iron-based superconductors, such as anti-ferromagnetically ordered insulating phases, extremely high Neel transition temperatures, and the presence of Fe ...
Read More2011-12-21 · Phase separation and magnetic order in K-doped iron selenide superconductor XI CHEN, WEI LI, HAO DING, PENG DENG, KAI CHANG, CANLI SONG, Tsinghua University, KE HE, LILI WANG, XUCUN MA, Chinese Academy of Sciences, JIANG-PING HU, Purdue University, QI-KUN XUE, Tsinghua University | The newly discovered alkali-doped iron
Read More2022-1-21 · “ Phase separation and magnetic order in K-doped iron-selenide superconductor ”, Nature Physics 8, 126-130 (2012). 9. Wei Li,Hao Ding, Zhi Li, Peng Deng, Kai Chang, Ke He, Lili Wang, Xucun Ma, Jiang-Ping Hu, Xi Chen and Qi-Kun Xue “ KFe 2 Se 2 is the ”,
Read MoreDOI: 10.1038/nphys2155 Corpus ID: 26752119. Phase separation and magnetic order in K-doped iron selenide superconductor @article{Li2012PhaseSA, title={Phase separation and magnetic order in K-doped iron selenide superconductor}, author={W. Li and Hao Ding and P. Deng and Kai-Di Chang and Canli Song and K.
Read More2011-7-30 · Alkali-doped iron selenide is the latest member of high Tc superconductor family, and its peculiar characters have immediately attracted extensive attention. We prepared high-quality potassium-doped iron selenide (KxFe2-ySe2) thin films by molecular beam epitaxy and unambiguously demonstrated the existence of phase separation, which is currently under
Read MoreAbstract. The newly discovered alkali-doped iron selenide superconductors1,2 not only reach a superconducting transition temperature as high as 32 K, but also exhibit several unique characters that are noticeably absent in other iron-based superconductors, such as antiferromagnetically ordered insulating phases3,4, extremely high Neel transition
Read MorePhase separation and magnetic order in K-doped iron selenide superconductor. The newly discovered alkali-doped iron selenide superconductors exhibit unique characters that are absent in other iron-based superconductors, such as anti-ferromagnetically ordered insulating phases, extremely high Neel transition temperatures, and the presence of Fe ...
Read More2011-12-21 · Phase separation and magnetic order in K-doped iron selenide superconductor XI CHEN, WEI LI, HAO DING, PENG DENG, KAI CHANG, CANLI SONG, Tsinghua University, KE HE, LILI WANG, XUCUN MA, Chinese Academy of Sciences, JIANG-PING HU, Purdue University, QI-KUN XUE, Tsinghua University | The newly discovered alkali-doped iron
Read More2022-1-21 · “ Phase separation and magnetic order in K-doped iron-selenide superconductor ”, Nature Physics 8, 126-130 (2012). 9. Wei Li,Hao Ding, Zhi Li, Peng Deng, Kai Chang, Ke He, Lili Wang, Xucun Ma, Jiang-Ping Hu, Xi Chen and Qi-Kun Xue “ KFe 2 Se 2 is the ”,
Read MorePhase Separation and Magnetic Order in K-doped Iron ...
Read More2012-3-28 · A new family of high temperature superconductors, the heavily electron doped iron-selenides, like K0.8Fe1.6Se2, has been attracting high interest since they show both 30 K superconductivity, with missing hole pockets questioning the s± pairing model, and unusually high magnetic moments. The hot debate is between coexistence versus phase separation and on
Read MoreRequest PDF | Phase Separation in Electron Doped Iron-Selenide K0.8Fe1.6Se2 Superconductor by Scanning X-ray Nano-Diffraction | A new family of
Read MoreFor this case, we propose a microscopic electronic phase separation. The occurrence of two-dimensional AFM spin fluctuations below nearly the same temperature as T a f m, reported previously for a (Li,Fe)OHFeSe ( T c ∼ 42 K)
Read More2011-12-21 · Phase separation and magnetic order in K-doped iron selenide superconductor XI CHEN, WEI LI, HAO DING, PENG DENG, KAI CHANG, CANLI SONG, Tsinghua University, KE HE, LILI WANG, XUCUN MA, Chinese Academy of Sciences, JIANG-PING HU, Purdue University, QI-KUN XUE, Tsinghua University | The newly discovered alkali-doped iron
Read MorePhase Separation and Magnetic Order in K-doped Iron ...
Read More2012-3-28 · A new family of high temperature superconductors, the heavily electron doped iron-selenides, like K0.8Fe1.6Se2, has been attracting high interest since they show both 30 K superconductivity, with missing hole pockets questioning the s± pairing model, and unusually high magnetic moments. The hot debate is between coexistence versus phase separation and on
Read MoreRequest PDF | Phase Separation in Electron Doped Iron-Selenide K0.8Fe1.6Se2 Superconductor by Scanning X-ray Nano-Diffraction | A new family of
Read More2019-12-5 · ductors, the heavily electron doped iron-selenides, like K0.8Fe1.6Se2, has been attracting high interest since they show both 30 K superconductivity, with missing hole pock-ets questioning the s± pairing model, and unusually high magnetic moments. The hot debate is between coexistence versus phase separation and on the possible divergence of
Read MorePhase separation and magnetic order in K-doped iron selenide superconductor [19] Zhou Y, Miao L, Wang P, Zhu F F, Jiang W X, Jiang S W, Zhang Y, Lei B, Chen X H, Ding H F, Zheng H, Zhang W T, Jia J F, Qian D and Wu D 2018 Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 097001
Read MoreWe elucidate the existing controversies in the newly discovered K-doped iron selenide (K(x)Fe(2-y)Se(2-z)) superconductors. The stoichiometric KFe(2)Se(2) with √2 × √2 charge ordering was identified as the parent compound of K(x)Fe(2-y)Se(2-z) superconductor using scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy.
Read MoreFor this case, we propose a microscopic electronic phase separation. The occurrence of two-dimensional AFM spin fluctuations below nearly the same temperature as T a f m, reported previously for a (Li,Fe)OHFeSe ( T c ∼ 42 K)
Read More2012-7-31 · KFe 2 Se 2 is the Parent Compound of K-Doped Iron Selenide Superconductors Wei Li, Hao Ding, Zhi Li, Peng Deng, Kai Chang, Ke He, Shuaihua Ji, Lili Wang, Xucun Ma, Jiang-Ping Hu, Xi Chen, and Qi-Kun Xue Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 057003 – Published 31 July 2012
Read More2010-8-31 · Phase Separation and Suppression of the Structural and Magnetic Transitions in Superconducting Doped Iron Tellurides, Fe 1+x Te 1−y S y. Pawel Zajdel †, Ping-Yen Hsieh † ‡, Efrain E. Rodriguez †, Nicholas P. Butch ⊥, Jeff D. Magill ⊥, Johnpierre Paglione ⊥, Peter Zavalij §, Matthew R. Suchomel ∥, and ; Mark A. Green † ‡ *
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