2021-10-8 · Yu, et al. [188] reviewed the granulation process for blast furnace slag. They reported that for every pig iron production accompanied by 0.3-0.6 tons of
Read More2022-2-4 · Slag Granulation Systems for Blast Furnaces Page 9 of 12 B-2-033. Figure 8 Hot wate r granulation system at a 7500 thm/d fu rnace. The stack needs to be sufficiently high to
Read More2019-4-4 · Dry slag granulation process is essentially to atomize the liquid slag and then to cool the particles rapidly so as to produce a glassy slag. Atomization is done using a rotary cup air blast atomizer (Fig 1). The particles cool as they travel through the air and are then cooled further in a fluidized bed. Both of these cooling processes provide ...
Read MoreAbstract: The granulation of molten material, blast furnace slag for example, is accomplished by wetting the slag with a stream of water and thereafter transporting the thus formed granules away from the point of granulation with the water stream. Water consumption is minimized and average grain size increased by employing a multi-layer water ...
Read MoreThis proven granulation process ensures economic granulation and produces valuable and consistent properties in the blast furnace slag. Danieli Corus condensing tower technology has a proven track record in both the steel and the aluminium industry. Dewatering is required to lower the moisture content to around 15%.
Read More2018-7-27 · approximately 80% of blast furnace slag sand is used as cement additive. The added value as cement additive is usually than utilizing the slag as aggregate material for road construction. The wet granulation process operates with a high water to slag ratio of about 8:1. The advantage of the wet process is that it
Read More2022-2-4 · New process for dry granulation and heat recovery from molten blast-furnace slag Ironmaking & Steelmaking , 12 ( 1985 ) , pp. 14 - 21 , 10.1016/0304-386X(85)90024-6 View Record in Scopus Google Scholar
Read More2021-6-16 · of granulation tanks and/or INBA dewatering drums adapted to your furnace design and requirements. Blowing Box Jet Slag Granulation Area: Granulation Tank & Blowing Box The slag granulation area links the hot slag runner of the blast furnace and the INBA dewatering system. This link is directly accomplished through the use of a granulation tank.
Read More2014-7-8 · granulation process and the dynamics of slag droplet collision with solid surfaces will be covered. Published studies on the thermodynamics of sulphur in slags and kinetics of sulphur transfer between blast the furnace slags and oxidising gas mixtures have been reviewed to ascertain the effects of oxygen ial pressure on part
Read More2012-9-7 · The most common process for granulating blast furnace slag involves the use of high water volume, high pressure water jets in direct contact with the molten blast furnace slag at a ratio of approximately 10 to 1 by mass. The
Read MoreA potential problem is moisture, which occurs in blast furnace slag during the granulation process. The presence of moisture requires dewatering the blast furnace slag before using it as an additive or as a mineral admixture to Portland cement [10].
Read MoreThis proven granulation process ensures economic granulation and produces valuable and consistent properties in the blast furnace slag. Danieli Corus condensing tower technology has a proven track record in both the steel and
Read MoreAbstract: The granulation of molten material, blast furnace slag for example, is accomplished by wetting the slag with a stream of water and thereafter transporting the thus formed granules away from the point of granulation with the water stream. Water consumption is minimized and average grain size increased by employing a multi-layer water ...
Read More2019-12-12 · Blast furnace slag, as bulk solid waste produced in the ironmaking process, will inevitably pollute the environment and occupy a large amount of land resources if it is not treated and utilized [1,2].The traditional water quenching method of blast furnace slag (BFS) will consume a lot of new water in the process, pollute the atmosphere by gases such as H 2 S and SO 2,
Read More2021-11-1 · 关键词 : Blast furnace slag , Centrifugal granulation , Process parameter , Disk property , Grindability , Vitreous content Abstract :Dry centrifugal granulation (DCG) experiments for blast furnace slag (BFS) were performed by means of a rotary disk atomizer since water quenching method can create a series of problems.
Read MoreLots of iron molten slag from blast furnace can be produced during iron making process. It is generally cooled by water quenching method which causes many problems, such as water consumption, serious pollution, energy wasting etc. To solve these problems, much more attention has been paid to various dry granulation methods.
Read More2019-12-13 · through hot metal runners and slag is lead to cast house slag granulation system or to dry slag pit (when granulation is not being carried out) through slag runners. iii) Stoves and Hot Blast Supply System: Hot Blast Stoves (normally 3 nos.) supply hot blast after heating cold air provided by turbo blowers/Fans to Blast furnace through hot ...
Read More2014-7-8 · granulation process and the dynamics of slag droplet collision with solid surfaces will be covered. Published studies on the thermodynamics of sulphur in slags and kinetics of sulphur transfer between blast the furnace slags and oxidising gas mixtures have been reviewed to ascertain the effects of oxygen ial pressure on part
Read MoreNew process for dry granulation and heat recovery from molten blast-furnace slag Author PICKERING, S.J; HAY, N; ROYLANCE, T.F; THOMAS, G.H British Steel Corp Source. Ironmaking & steelmaking. 1985, Vol 12, Num 1, pp 14-21 ; ref : 10 ref
Read More2012-9-7 · The most common process for granulating blast furnace slag involves the use of high water volume, high pressure water jets in direct contact with the molten blast furnace slag at a ratio of approximately 10 to 1 by mass. The
Read MoreAbstract: The granulation of molten material, blast furnace slag for example, is accomplished by wetting the slag with a stream of water and thereafter transporting the thus formed granules away from the point of granulation with the water stream. Water consumption is minimized and average grain size increased by employing a multi-layer water ...
Read More2020-1-16 · The TiO 2-bearing blast furnace slag (TBF slag) was produced during the VTM and was used as iron ore in blast furnace (BF). The TBF slag contains approximately twenty percent of TiO 2, leading to a higher melting point and worse fluidity. This type of slag could not be quenched by water as traditional BF slags.
Read Morethem, slag granulation process by a centrifugal force, which is also called DCG process, has proved its advantages due to its simpleness, controllability, less energy consumption and more sensible heat recovery in the past years.5–9) In this Modeling on Dry Centrifugal Granulation Process of Molten Blast Furnace Slag
Read More2018-9-24 · Abstract: The process of granulation in blast furnace slag (BFS) by gas q uench-ing can effectively recover the waste heat of BFS and improve the value-added nature of the BFS byproduct. With decreasing temperature, BFS crystallizes into melilite, anorthite, spinel, etc. Mineral crystallization, however, is not conducive
Read MoreBy converting low value air-cooled blast furnace slag into a high value material for the cement/construction industry, this process turns a waste product into wealth. We are partnering with Beijing MCC Equipment Research & Design Corporation (MCCE) to commercialise the dry slag granulation technology.
Read MoreNew process for dry granulation and heat recovery from molten blast-furnace slag Author PICKERING, S.J; HAY, N; ROYLANCE, T.F; THOMAS, G.H British Steel Corp Source. Ironmaking & steelmaking. 1985, Vol 12, Num 1, pp 14-21 ; ref : 10 ref
Read More2019-5-26 · Blast furnace (BF) slag is the principal byproduct formed during the iron-making process, which generates a considerable amount of thermal energy. However, to simultaneously recover the maximum amount of residual heat and obtain vitreous slag using a low conduction coefficient of air is a primary challenge of the dry granulation technique, which has not been
Read More2013-4-10 · Blast Furnace Slag. satyendra; April 10, 2013; 1 Comment ; Air cooled slag, BF slag, BF Slag cement, Expanded slag, Glass content, Granultated slag, Leachate, Pelletized BF slag,; Blast Furnace Slag. Blast-furnace (BF) slag is defined by the American Society for Testing and Materials as ‘the non-metallic product consisting essentially of silicates and alumino-silicates
Read MoreBlast furnace slag is a secondary aggregate used widely in construction because of its performance attributes and durability. Slag aggregates produced by Tarmac are supplied as CE marked products under the Factory production control process of ISO 9001:2008 for the production of products to BS EN 12342 - Aggregates for Unbound and Hydraulically Bound
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