2021-2-1 · Abstract. Because of the unique physical and chemical characteristics of steel slag, steel slag aggregate (SSA) has been recycled into Portland cement concrete as a substitution for natural aggregates as a sustainable and low impact design solution by reducing the use of natural resources and the landfills for disposal.
Read More2019-10-16 · Experimental work was carried out to study the effect of using steel slag (SS) and recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) as replacements for the natural aggregate in concrete. Waste materials, such as SS, which is a by-product generated during the production of steel and concrete rubble, which is produced by demolition activities, are dumped in landfill. These
Read More2021-1-1 · The experimental program was designed to study the compressive strength of self-compacting concrete incorporating recycled concrete aggregate obtained from waste concrete at RMC plant as partial replacement for natural coarse aggregate (NCA) and granulated blast furnace slag (GBS) as fine aggregate.
Read More2019-7-1 · concrete containing fly ash, slag and recycled concrete aggregate. Concrete mixes containing 50% replacement of cementIJERT slag gave the best results. [2] A.H.L.Swaroop et al evaluated changes in compressive strength in different mixes of M30 Grade namely conventional aggregate concrete, concrete made by replacing ...
Read MoreThis paper aims to experimentally investigate the effects of high volume cement replacement of blast furnace slag (BFS) on the bond, strength and durability of
Read More4 Trends in slag recycling. The three most important trends for slag recycling relate to further investments in granulation plants for blast furnace slag, the increase in slag trading with separate slag grinding plants and the increasing use of steelworks
Read More2019-7-10 · The properties of pervious concrete made with recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) were investigated. Natural aggregates were replaced by RCA at levels of 0, 10, 20, 40, 70, and 100%. Slag was also incorporated to enhance the performance and sustainability of the concrete mixtures. Slump, hardened density, total void content, porosity ...
Read More2019-11-1 · In this paper, the residual compressive strength behavior and the features of the alkali-activated slag (AAS) mortar made with five different replacement ratios of recycled concrete aggregates (RCA), i.e. 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100%, were investigated after being exposed to the target temperatures of 23, 200, 400, 600, and 800 °C.
Read More2020-9-10 · Raw materials used in this study include ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS), river sand, recycled concrete fines (RCFs), recycled concrete powders (RCPs), sodium hydroxide (NaOH), water glass solution, and tap water. RCFs and RCPs were obtained from crushing recycled concrete which was demolished from RC buildings over 20 years old.
Read More2020-5-12 · Eco-concrete is defined as concrete with at least 50% by mass of total aggregate content replaced by recycled materials, used for non-structural applications. Typical materials used for aggregate replacement include washed copper slag or recycled aggregates or a combination of both • Recycled Aggregate (RA)
Read More2014-7-21 · Recycled concrete containing EAF slag: environmental assessment through LCA. A significant number of “green concrete” are being developed to meet the growing request of reducing construction industry impacts, saving raw materials and preventing industrial by-products’ discard. Between these, black/oxidising electric arc furnace (EAF) slag ...
Read More2019-10-16 · Experimental work was carried out to study the effect of using steel slag (SS) and recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) as replacements for the natural aggregate in concrete. Waste materials, such as SS, which is a by-product generated during the production of steel and concrete rubble, which is produced by demolition activities, are dumped in landfill. These
Read Morethe use of 55% slag in recycled concrete mixtur es was a ble to. reduce the drying shrinkage compar ed to the control mixes (without slag) due to the constraining impact of the deh ydrated.
Read More2021-7-1 · In order to study the dynamic mechanical properties of recycled concrete with ferronickel slag, dynamic experiments on cylindrical specimens ( φ 73 mm × 36.5 mm) were performed using a split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) system. The effects of loading rate and recycled aggregate replacement rate on the compressive strength, toughness index, peak
Read More2019-7-1 · concrete using slag and recycled concrete aggregates. GGBS was replaced for 40%, 50% and 60% of cement and optimum percentage was found out. For the mixes prepared by replacing 50% cement with slag and 50% coarse aggregate, it satisfies the strength criteria required for an M30 mix.
Read More2015-10-1 · In this field, the re-use of recycled aggregates coming from metallurgical industry, e.g. electric arc furnace (EAF) slag, may represent a key solution to achieve both the sustainability and mechanical/durability performances’ goals [ 8 ]. EAF slag is a by-product of steel production, currently partially re-used in asphalt concrete [ 9 ].
Read More2019-3-2 · However, recycled concrete presents heterogeneous properties, thereby reducing its applications for some structural purposes and enhancing its application in pavements. This paper provides an insight into a solution in the deformation control for recycled concrete by adding supplementary cementitious materials fly ash and blast furnace slag.
Read More2013-12-19 · Phosphorous slag (PHS), ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) and fly ash (FA) were used as replacements of Portland cement to modify the microstructure of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC). A new manufacturing method named “W3T4” was proposed to improve the performances of interfacial transition zone (ITZ) between recycled aggregate and
Read More2020-5-12 · Eco-concrete is defined as concrete with at least 50% by mass of total aggregate content replaced by recycled materials, used for non-structural applications. Typical materials used for aggregate replacement include washed copper slag or recycled aggregates or a combination of both • Recycled Aggregate (RA)
Read More2019-2-28 · Construction aggregate includes a range of particulate materials - ranging from coarse to medium grains - including sand, gravel, slag, crushed stones, and recycled concrete. These materials are mixed in with concrete to
Read MoreResults of this specific study show that concrete containing EAF slag as recycled aggregate is responsible of lower emissions production when compared with those related to concrete made with ...
Read More2014-7-21 · Recycled concrete containing EAF slag: environmental assessment through LCA. A significant number of “green concrete” are being developed to meet the growing request of reducing construction industry impacts, saving raw materials and preventing industrial by-products’ discard. Between these, black/oxidising electric arc furnace (EAF) slag ...
Read More2019-10-16 · Experimental work was carried out to study the effect of using steel slag (SS) and recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) as replacements for the natural aggregate in concrete. Waste materials, such as SS, which is a by-product generated during the production of steel and concrete rubble, which is produced by demolition activities, are dumped in landfill. These
Read Morerecycled aggregate concrete (RAC) incorporating 25% ground-granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) as a cement replacement. The compressive strength, drying shrinkage, water penetration, water ...
Read More2020-1-22 · using slag replacement.” Cement and Concrete Vol. 30 pp 465-472. [3] Bakhareva T., Sanjayana J.G., Cheng Y.B. (2001) “Sulphate attack on alkali-activated slag concrete.” Cement and Concrete Vol. 32 pp 211-216. [4] Dhir RK, Paine KA, Caliskan S. Use of Recycled Concrete Aggregate in Concrete – Technology Application Document 1.
Read More2022-1-12 · Recycled aggregate concrete showed slight increase in coefficient of permeability and chloride diffusion coefficient than control concrete. But the overall performance of recycled aggregate concrete with 50% slag was good. However, the values remained acceptable for durable concrete. The slag incorporation in concrete
Read More2021-6-22 · Reutilizing industrial by-products and recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) to replace cement and natural aggregates (NA) in concrete is becoming increasingly important for sustainable development. Yet, experimental evidence is needed prior to the widespread use of this sustainable concrete by the construction industry. This study examines the performance of
Read MoreThe primary issue associated with the use of slag cement is the reported loss of durability (salt scaling resistance) for exposed Portland cement concrete containing more than about 25 percent slag cement. It is unknown if any U.S.
Read More2021-4-15 · and recycled concrete and masonry as aggregates in concrete. It concluded that, it focuses on known benefits and limitations of a range of manufactured and recycled aggregates. Use of concrete product like green concrete in ... (FA) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS)) of Green Concrete Composites (GPCC).
Read More2020-8-13 · What is Recycled Concrete Aggregate. Recycled concrete as aggregate is nothing but aggregates produced from the previously used construction material such as masonry or concrete. Recycled aggregates consist of hard, graduated fragments of inert materials, which include sand, crushed stone, rock dust, gravel, slag or powder.
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