IRONMAKING AND STEELMAKING Slag Granulation Systems Efficient blast furnace slag granulation contributes to low-cost hot metal and turns a residue into a resource. 10/115. A modern blast furnace can produce more than a million
Read More2022-2-8 · Steelmaking slags are typically dumped to ground and used as low-value road aggregate. Hatch’s dry slag granulation process uses air to directly granulate slag. The dry slag granulation advantages include improved safety, reduced noise and pollution and ability to access higher value-added slag markets.
Read More2019-5-22 · slag granulation experiment using water spraying unit. Based on the experimental results. a granulation plant is proposed to be built closely to the existing steel making plant. This study is part of a larger investigation work covering slag granulation andfeasibility study on utilization of slag granules for Portland-pozzoland cement. INTRODUCTION
Read More2019-2-8 · Development of air granulation technology began in the 1970s for steelmaking basic oxygen furnace slag and ferronickel slag, which proved to be technically and economically viable at the commercial scale [13,14,15]. Air granulation is a simple process as no mechanical equipment is in contact with molten slag.
Read MoreDry slag granulation is the key to molten slag heat recovery. In this paper, we will present our current status on BOF slag modification and dry granulation. Therefore,
Read More2002-7-31 · Granulation of molten slag for heat recovery. Abstract: A large amount of various molten oxides, such as steelmaking slag and lava, is cooled without heat recovery. For example, the amount of slag as a byproduct of steelmaking, over 1723 K in temperature, reaches 30 million tones annually. Although the systems for efficient heat recovery from ...
Read More2021-10-8 · Steelmaking is well known to be one of the hi,,hest energy-consuming industries, where high temperature molten slag is discharged
Read MoreEco-friendly steelmaking slag solidification with energy recovery to produce a high quality slag product for ... • Granulation of slag with air blast techniques was put into operational practice in early 1990’s in Japan. The reason for stopping is not clear, shortcomings include
Read Morenace slag and municipal waste molten slag, it has not been applied to high basicity steelmaking slag. In this study, the conditions for slag forming with water-cooled rolls were investigated in order to develop a contin-uous steelmaking slag solidification process suitable for sensible heat recovery. 2. Experimental Method 2.1.
Read More3.2. Heat Recovery from Steelmaking Slag Steelmaking furnaces such as BF, LDC and EAF, dis-charge a large amount of high temperature molten slag as waste. Presently, the slag is treated conventionally by im-pinging it with a large amount of water for the granulation and glassification processes. However, this method has the following problems:
Read MoreDry slag granulation is the key to molten slag heat recovery. In this paper, we will present our current status on BOF slag modification and dry granulation. Therefore,
Read More2002-7-31 · Granulation of molten slag for heat recovery. Abstract: A large amount of various molten oxides, such as steelmaking slag and lava, is cooled without heat recovery. For example, the amount of slag as a byproduct of steelmaking, over 1723 K in temperature, reaches 30 million tones annually. Although the systems for efficient heat recovery from ...
Read MoreEco-friendly steelmaking slag solidification with energy recovery to produce a high quality slag product for ... • Granulation of slag with air blast techniques was put into operational practice in early 1990’s in Japan. The reason for stopping is not clear, shortcomings include
Read More2019-1-25 · Granulated Blastfurnace Slag Granulated Blastfurnace Slag (GBS) is manufactured from molten blastfurnace slag, a co- ... to produce iron prior to steelmaking process. The blend is sintered which removes moisture, ... The quenching of this liquid slag with an excess of water (granulation), air and water (pelletisation) or steam forms a granular
Read More2013-4-9 · Figure 2: Change of granulation ratio of BF slag1 Steelmaking slag In the steelmaking process, molten metal is refined and converted into steel, either in a basic oxygen furnace (BOF) or an electric arc furnace (EAF), and the molten steel is additionally refined to high grade steel when necessary; about 75% of the steel in
Read More2020-10-23 · However, a dry slag granulation system had not yet been deployed in the non-ferrous industry. Although it has demonstrated success in the steelmaking industry for decades, adoption of a dry granulation solution in non-ferrous industries has been challenged by the technical risks associated with process uncertainties and by the financial risks ...
Read More2021-11-14 · steelmaking slag (R1 - 1mm granulation, R2 - 3mm granulation, R3 - 5mm granulation, R4 - 8mm granulation), 30% sludge mill scale, 30% ferrous sludge, 5% sintering sludge and 5% bentonite for binders. The technological flow of briquetting is shown in Figure 8. The average chemical
Read More2011-5-11 · The flow chart is shown in Figure 1. The molten slag is transported in a slag pot from the steelmaking workshop to the slag treatment yard. A turn-over unit pours the slag into a hopper in which there are several rotors to granulate the molten slag. This unit is the primary granulation. It acts as a buffering and first heat exchange system, in
Read More3.2. Heat Recovery from Steelmaking Slag Steelmaking furnaces such as BF, LDC and EAF, dis-charge a large amount of high temperature molten slag as waste. Presently, the slag is treated conventionally by im-pinging it with a large amount of water for the granulation and glassification processes. However, this method has the following problems:
Read More2021-12-29 · Dry slag granulation at a spinning disc Key Results/Findings A conceptual flowsheet has been developed in the 1 st year (by June 2007) of the project based on process modelling and focused ...
Read More2013-4-9 · Figure 2: Change of granulation ratio of BF slag1 Steelmaking slag In the steelmaking process, molten metal is refined and converted into steel, either in a basic oxygen furnace (BOF) or an electric arc furnace (EAF), and the molten steel is additionally refined to high grade steel when necessary; about 75% of the steel in
Read More2019-1-25 · Granulated Blastfurnace Slag Granulated Blastfurnace Slag (GBS) is manufactured from molten blastfurnace slag, a co- ... to produce iron prior to steelmaking process. The blend is sintered which removes moisture, ... The quenching of this liquid slag with an excess of water (granulation), air and water (pelletisation) or steam forms a granular
Read More2020-10-23 · However, a dry slag granulation system had not yet been deployed in the non-ferrous industry. Although it has demonstrated success in the steelmaking industry for decades, adoption of a dry granulation solution in non-ferrous industries has been challenged by the technical risks associated with process uncertainties and by the financial risks ...
Read More2011-5-11 · The flow chart is shown in Figure 1. The molten slag is transported in a slag pot from the steelmaking workshop to the slag treatment yard. A turn-over unit pours the slag into a hopper in which there are several rotors to granulate the molten slag. This unit is the primary granulation. It acts as a buffering and first heat exchange system, in
Read More2021-11-14 · steelmaking slag (R1 - 1mm granulation, R2 - 3mm granulation, R3 - 5mm granulation, R4 - 8mm granulation), 30% sludge mill scale, 30% ferrous sludge, 5% sintering sludge and 5% bentonite for binders. The technological flow of briquetting is shown in Figure 8. The average chemical
Read MoreEco-friendly steelmaking slag solidification with energy recovery to produce a high quality slag product for a sustainable recycling 1 Agnieszka Morillon, David Algermissen, Dirk Mudrsbach, Susanne Schüler, Loredana Di Sante, Marta Guzzon, Filomena Giordano, Mirko
Read Moreslag granulation process the process involves pouring the molten slag through a high pressure water spray in a granulation device [3]. in ... steelmaking slag and activators of slag hydratation can be used as substitute for cement in application for lower lay-ers of roads. By use of substitute prolonged solidification
Read MoreNew process for dry granulation and heat recovery from molten blast-furnace slag Author PICKERING, S.J; HAY, N; ROYLANCE, T.F; THOMAS, G.H British Steel Corp Source. Ironmaking & steelmaking. 1985, Vol 12, Num 1, pp 14-21 ; ref : 10 ref
Read More2014-7-8 · the as-received slags. The work concludes with a proposed hydration behavior for the major slag phases. Keywords: secondary steelmaking slag, quenching, melt spinning, mechanical activation, cement. 1. Introduction . With an EU-wide clinker benchmark production of 0.78t of CO. 2. per ton of grey clinker [1] and an annual worldwide
Read Moreslag foaming in steelmaking processes and understand the influence of the chemical composition of the slag4. The foaming index, or average time for a gas to cross the slag is obtained by the ratio between the slag foam height and the gas superficial velocity. Skupien and Gaskell5, developed a mathematical model that shows the strong relationship
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