Ca/Si and Mg/Si mole ratios in the solution decreased with extraction time except for the convertor slag, suggesting preferential dissolution of Ca and Mg. The slags were also dissolved in calcium chloride solution to study the effect of Ca concentration on Si dissolution from the slags.
Read More2022-1-31 · This study verified the potential usage of granulated blast furnace slag and calcium chloride in stabilizing the lithomargic clay and proposed a rationale mixing proportion for their optimal use in field applications. Usage of granulated blast furnace slag as a stabilizer will reduce the disposal problem associated with it and also is an eco ...
Read More2020-2-15 · The chemical composition and structure of slag are similar to those of cement and are generally expressed as xLi 2 O·yCaO·zAl 2 O 3 ·nSiO 2, . In this paper, the possibility of leaching aqueously of lithium from the slag mentioned above is going to be probed through chlorinating the insoluble lithium bound in slag by calcium chloride.
Read More2012-4-21 · The calcium chloride salt was dried by properly heating at 200°C for 12 h. Then the temperature was raised to 950°C. The slag sample wrapped with nichrome wire was inserted into the CaCl 2 mass so that the slag piece remained totally immersed in it.
Read MoreCalcium carbide slag is a by-product from the chlor-alkali chemical industry, from hydrolysis of calcium carbide (CaC 2) for an acethylene gas, polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl alcohol and other industrial production. It contains high amounts of calcium compounds and has the potential for replacing the traditional raw material, limestone, for ...
Read More2016-3-4 · calcium chloride have been used (Peters, 1982). Briquettes con- taining various combinations of low grade manganese ore fines, mill scale, precipitator dust, recycled slag, and fine fluorspar have been used as an addition to the steelmaking process to form a fluid slag. Some flux materials are added to repair smelting and refining
Read MoreThe plutonium-bearing slag is crushed and melted in the presence of at least an equimolar amount of calcium chloride and a few percent metallic calcium. The calcium chloride reduces the melting point and thereby decreases the viscosity of the molten mixture. The calcium reduces any oxidized plutonium in the mixture and also causes the dispersed ...
Read More2009-8-7 · July 29th, 2009 International Summit on Cement Hydration Kinetics, Quebec, 27-29 July 2009 6 2. Mechanisms of Acceleration with Calcium Chloride (cntd) • More permeable C-S-H with CaCl 2: •Juenger et al, 1995: Ability of CaCl 2 to flocculate hydrophilic colloids, resulting in a more permeable C-S-H surface layer, through which water and ions can diffuse faster (higher
Read MoreChloride-based deicing salt solutions can react with the calcium hydroxide in the cementitious matrix, leading to the formation of calcium oxychloride.
Read MoreCalcium Chloride Get Best Quote. Copper Slag Get Best Quote. Watch More Videos. Corporate Video. Reach Us. Sachin Agarwal (Proprietor) Naveen Enterprise Saltee Plaza, No. 1, Mall Road, K B Sarani, 3rd Floor, Room 06, Nagerbazar South Dum Dum, Kolkata -
Read MoreProduction of Fe–Ti Alloys from Mixed Slag Containing Titanium and Fe2O3 via Direct Electrochemical Reduction in Molten Calcium Chloride Article Full-text available
Read MoreThe Evaluation of Damage Effects on MgO Added Concrete with Slag Cement Exposed to Calcium Chloride Deicing Salt Materials (Basel). 2018 May 14;11(5):793. doi: 10.3390/ma11050793. Authors Jae-Kyeong Jang 1 , Hong-Gi Kim 2 , Jun-Hyeong Kim 3 , Jae-Suk Ryou 4 Affiliations 1 Department of Civil and ...
Read MoreCalcium carbide slag is a by-product from the chlor-alkali chemical industry, from hydrolysis of calcium carbide (CaC 2) for an acethylene gas, polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl alcohol and other industrial production. It contains high amounts of calcium compounds and has the potential for replacing the traditional raw material, limestone, for ...
Read More2021-5-25 · Calcium silicate is a common slagging agent and had been used to refine silicon in many studies.[23,24] The addition of CaCl 2 to calcium silicate slag agent can further improve the boron removal, reducing the boron content to 3.09 ppmw after refining for 240 min.
Read MoreAqueous ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) was used as an extracting solvent with concentrations of 0-2 mol/L. The slag to solvent ratio was constant 100 g/L for all experiments. The main objective of this part was to determine the optimal concentrations of solvent and particle size for leaching out the maximum amount of calcium from the slag.
Read More2016-3-4 · calcium chloride have been used (Peters, 1982). Briquettes con- taining various combinations of low grade manganese ore fines, mill scale, precipitator dust, recycled slag, and fine fluorspar have been used as an addition to the steelmaking process to form a fluid slag. Some flux materials are added to repair smelting and refining
Read More2017-8-4 · ence of blends of different chloride-based deicing salts (sodium and calcium chloride). This evaluation was performed using several plain cementitious pastes and pastes with fly ash, slag, and silica fume used as supplementary cementitious materials. Fly ash and slag were used at 20% replacement levels and the
Read MoreCalcium Chloride Get Best Quote. Copper Slag Get Best Quote. Watch More Videos. Corporate Video. Reach Us. Sachin Agarwal (Proprietor) Naveen Enterprise Saltee Plaza, No. 1, Mall Road, K B Sarani, 3rd Floor, Room 06,
Read More2009-8-7 · July 29th, 2009 International Summit on Cement Hydration Kinetics, Quebec, 27-29 July 2009 6 2. Mechanisms of Acceleration with Calcium Chloride (cntd) • More permeable C-S-H with CaCl 2: •Juenger et al, 1995: Ability of CaCl 2 to flocculate hydrophilic colloids, resulting in a more permeable C-S-H surface layer, through which water and ions can diffuse faster (higher
Read Moresolids (s/s) calcium nitrite will protect steel in concrete where 661 lb ./yd3 of cement is used, corrosion will not begin until the chloride ion concentration reaches 12.8 lb./yd3 . Thus, in concrete unprotected with calcium nitrite, corro sion will begin when the level of chloride is 1 to 2 lb./yd3, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD 1211
Read MoreCa/Si and Mg/Si mole ratios in the solution decreased with extraction time except for the convertor slag, suggesting preferential dissolution of Ca and Mg. The slags were also dissolved in calcium chloride solution to study the effect of Ca concentration on Si dissolution from the slags.
Read MoreThe Evaluation of Damage Effects on MgO Added Concrete with Slag Cement Exposed to Calcium Chloride Deicing Salt Materials (Basel). 2018 May 14;11(5):793. doi: 10.3390/ma11050793. Authors Jae-Kyeong Jang 1 , Hong-Gi Kim 2 , Jun-Hyeong Kim 3 , Jae-Suk Ryou 4 Affiliations 1 Department of Civil and ...
Read MoreProduction of Fe–Ti Alloys from Mixed Slag Containing Titanium and Fe2O3 via Direct Electrochemical Reduction in Molten Calcium Chloride Article Full-text available
Read More2022-1-13 · Calcium carbide residue is an industrial waste generated from calcium carbide (CaC 2) hydrolysis reaction during the productions of polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl alcohol, acetylene gas and others [1,2,3].Calcium carbide residue (hereinafter referred to as CCR), which is difficult to be recycled [4, 5] and classified as harmful substance [] due to the high alkalinity, will cause
Read MoreThe plutonium-bearing slag is crushed and melted in the presence of at least an equimolar amount of calcium chloride and a few percent metallic calcium. The calcium chloride reduces the melting point and thereby decreases the viscosity of the molten mixture. The calcium reduces any oxidized plutonium in the mixture and also causes the dispersed ...
Read MoreAqueous ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) was used as an extracting solvent with concentrations of 0-2 mol/L. The slag to solvent ratio was constant 100 g/L for all experiments. The main objective of this part was to determine the optimal concentrations of solvent and particle size for leaching out the maximum amount of calcium from the slag.
Read More2019-5-22 · Tong, Z., Ma, G. & Zhang, X. Microwave activation of Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) Slag for strengthening calcium extraction with ammonium chloride solution. J Solid Waste Tech Manage. 43 , 137–144 ...
Read MoreCalcium Chloride Get Best Quote. Copper Slag Get Best Quote. Watch More Videos. Corporate Video. Reach Us. Sachin Agarwal (Proprietor) Naveen Enterprise Saltee Plaza, No. 1, Mall Road, K B Sarani, 3rd Floor, Room 06,
Read MoreChloride-based deicing salt solutions can react with the calcium hydroxide in the cementitious matrix, leading to the formation of calcium oxychloride.
Read More2021-12-1 · Aluminosilicate materials. Industrial by-products such as Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag, fly ash, and agricultural waste such as palm oil fuel ash, rice husk ash, and sugarcane bagasse ash are familiar sources of aluminosilicate materials used for alkali-activated binders [].The main compositions of these materials are alumina, magnesium, calcium, iron,
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